Background circles

Case Studies

Forestry, Rail & Civils Ltd Case Study

Location: Droxford
Industry: Landscaping
Number of Re-flow users: 30+
Number of vehicles: 18
50pc Time 50%
reduction in time loss
50pc Paperwork 50%
reduction in paperwork
20pc Communications 20%
increase in communication
50pc Health and Safety 50%
improved health and safety reporting
60pc Auditability 60%
increase in auditability

Key Benefits

Streamlining operations

Forestry, Rail & Civils Ltd have digitised their processes and documentation procedures, including time sheets, daily checks, LOLERs, and more, allowing for instant document delivery and better visibility.

Centralised database access

With the ability to access data at all times and in one place, the FRC team have improved their customer relationships. With real-time updates their clients can follow job progress. FRC also have online access to insurance documents, LOLER certificates, and competencies.

Rapid form filling

Sped up by drop down menus and auto-fill, the likes of digital risk assessments are quick to complete on the app, allowing operatives to focus more time on their work. With more intuitive forms, near-miss reporting has significantly increased.

FRC e Shot and Landing Page Photo Website


Forestry, Rail & Civils Ltd are a vegetation management company based in Droxford, with operations covering the South of England. After a rapid period of growth, mounting paperwork, and teams operating within highly regulated areas like rail and vegetation management, they decided that field management software could help them manage their workload and improve compliance.

Re-flow provided FRC with a centralised management platform, bringing different parts of the business under one piece of software. All form-filling and documentation is processed and stored within Re-flow, improving and speeding up compliance processes and giving real-time visibility of completed tasks in the office. The system has saved time, reduced administrative burden, and supported FRC’s efficiency and growth in the industry.

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