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Our Service

At Re-flow, our client services team are dedicated to making your company and operatives get the most out of their workflow management system. Our service to our customers starts long before we've even spoken to you for the first time, because we develop our software with the end user in mind at every stage. This helps user adoption for field operatives and makes the administration intuitive as you start to engage the full power of the software.

See what else we do to support you

Your Journey with Re-flow

Launch Timeframe

We aim to have your system launched and ready for access within 2 to 5 working days from your confirmation receipt. Your system will then be ready to use and you will be free to enter your records and data.

Onboarding Process
  1. You will receive an email introduction containing a unique web address link to your system.
  2. You will be guided to two initial short videos to get you started with Re-flow.
  3. One of our support team will follow up with a phone call and schedule any required walkthrough screenshare support you may require in addition.

The best way to raise an issue or request support is via our ticket system - accessed through the Re-flow dashboard. Raising a ticket alerts the whole support team so you know your message has been seen and is being dealt with. You can raise a ticket 24/7.


We keep Re‐flow up to date with Android and iOS upgrades, security updates, as well as maintaining our hosting environment. We have a roadmap of development of new features and improvements to Re‐flow to keep it industry relevant and future proof. We publish news of new features via email, social media and our website.