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Can you take on the Information Hoarders and Burst their Bubbles?

Every member of the team is guilty of working inside their own little bubble, but their information hoarding is keeping everyone else in the dark!
See how quickly you can shed some light on the situation and then take a look at how Re-flow can help you with your own information management.
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Meet the Hoarders

Every member of the team has a role in the workflow management process of the company, but when they operate in their own little bubble, they hoard vital data and keep everyone else in the dark. In the real world, you can use Re-flow's workflow management software to burst information bubbles and achieve first class business process management.
Priti Manik- Operations Manager

Information Silos come in all shapes and sizes, when a department or members of the team don't have the opportunity or resources to share information properly, which results in a duplication of work or errors occurring. For key members of staff, the time taken to deal with failing to properly share knowledge can become a vicious cycle that ends up bringing workflows to a grinding halt.

Improve Time Management
Doug Hole- Site Manager

When information is shared through specific people, there is a danger that someone in the chain can be an information bottleneck. If they don't have a strong grip on their organisation skills, are too busy with other tasks or become overwhelmed by the amount of information/number of people they need to update, then they can stop the flow of information running smoothly.

Help Doug out of his information bottleneck
Max Power- Chief Executive

Sometime ego can get in the way of a team functioning properly, and when information is power, people can take the 'need to know' mentality a bit too far. Consequently, individuals make themselves more valuable because they become essential to the flow of information. This stops the rest of the team being able to get on with the tasks at hand without the information overlord involved.

Improve Trust in your Team
Stan Still- Business Development Manager

Occasionally there are key members of a team who should take greater control of sharing information, but suffer from an allergy to responsibility. When important answers are covered with blame and excuses, the rest of the team can only function as well as its weakest link.

Encourage Team Responsibility
Paige Turner- Finance Manager

Things might have appeared simpler back in their day, but when you've got a team member who insists on maintaining their old ways of doing things, they can create a massive hinderance to the rest of the team.

Embrace Change
Helen Back- HR Manager

It's great when staff follow procedures properly, but when you have a member of the team who is so focused on their interpretation of certain rules and guidelines, such as new GDPR measure, it stops everyone else being able to get on with their work without the fear of a solid discipling. Overly officious colleagues can be a total log-jam to team productivity and sharing important information.

Share Accountability