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Events | 8 Oct 2021

A big success for Re-flow at UK Construction Week 2021.

A big success for Re-flow at UK Construction Week 2021.

The Re-flow team was on tour last week. Our Managing Director Mike Saunders, and Marketing Manager, Ashley Wing travelled to Birmingham's NEC for the three day UK Construction Week event. After the past eighteen months, it's been exciting to see so many from the construction industry together again. The event was a big hit with all three days remaining busy throughout and the team was able to pick up a number of significant leads and meet a lot of interesting people. Our stand this year seems to have proven popular, thanks to both our impressive new display tablets as well as our equally impressive lego set. 

Punters got the chance to build their own Lego construction worker, which proved really popular. 

Also big thanks to the Pick Pocket For Hire, Lee Thompson for working his magic at the stand over the event. He helped draw in the crowds and kept them all entertained while they waited for the chance to talk to the team and get a demo of our software.  

Meanwhile, while Mike and Ashley were busy in Birmingham, across the country our software specialist, Ben Vine was also representing Re-flow at the Kent Construction Expo.

Now that may be it for as far as October is concerned, but we still have a whole host of events left before the end of the year and we don't want you to miss the chance to come and see us in person and get a hands-on demo of our software, so here is the full line-up of our up and coming events. 

Save the dates for Re-flow's upcoming events.


3rd & 4th Landscape Show - Birmingham NEC

3rd & 4th Highways UK - Birmingham NEC

16th & 17th FutureScape - London Excel

24rd & 25th Digital Construction Week - London Excel

Can't make it to any of the upcoming events? Or simply want to get started with transforming your business. Call us or request our live demo!


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