Auto Signatures
First up is the introduction of auto-completing signatures. As a manager, you can have a number of teams working numerous jobs on different sites, all with forms coming into you that need signing off. Even with the simplest signature, it can quickly become a huge time sink.
So, we’ve added an auto signature feature to the dashboard. Meaning you may only have to sign your name one more time. Navigate over to the capture signature form, available to everyone using our latest version, and create your signature. The app will store that copy of your signature. Now, at signature prompts your stored signature, plus a time and date stamp, will be be generated on the form.
Report Permissions
Need to be able to manually adjust who can access and view your reports? Re-flow’s new feature now allows you to set permissions for individual users on what they can and can’t do when granted access to reports.
Bulk Colour Edit
When using colour edit to code entries on your system, it can be tedious to have to individually change each entry. Now you can use the actions menu to bulk colour edit for a faster workflow.
What 3 words support
We understand the frustration of lost time trying to find a job site or location. An inaccurate postcodes can sometimes be, at best, streets away from your desired location. In the worst case especially when dealing with new build locations or new sites, the post codes can bear almost zero relation to the actual site location. This can cause all sorts of issues and led to delays in completing tasks or getting resources sent to the wrong locations. That’s why Re-flow has now integrated what3words into our software. Now you can assign a jobsite location to within 3 square meters! No more lost time on postcode pursuits.
Complete / Incomplete Tasks
Has a previously completed task required follow up work? Easy, you can now mark these previously completed tasks as incomplete to better manage task progress. This can be actioned from Dashboard Tasks.
Default Manager
Similar to signatures, when you’re creating multiple work events that you’ll be managing, you don’t want to have to keep confirming that you are the one managing the jobs. Now you can auto-assign managers in the schedule settings. Plus, you’ll now automatically receive all the forms in the task without have to specifically request them.
Resource Allocation
Rather than having to search through the full list of vehicles and equipment to add to book for your task, resources can now group as type. Meaning that you can now just book ‘a’ van, or mixer, or any other resource; the software will then assign from the available pool. The calendar overview also allows you to view when resources will be free so you can better plan schedule tasks and reserve equipment.
Dashboard Version
With all these, and future, improvements coming down the pipeline, you may be wondering whether your version of the software is up to date. Well, wonder no more. The footer of your dashboards will now display the current version of Re-flow that you’re running. Even better, click on the version number, and you’ll be able to the update history so you can see, at a glance, the improvements that we’re making behind the scenes to improve your experience with the software.
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